New York's Sikh police officers to replace hats with turbans | GreatestFart
New York's Sikh police officers
New rules permitting Sikh law enforcement officials to wear turbans rather than traditional police hats have been introduced in new york, officials say.

The NY Police Department said the turbans should be navy blue and have the NYPD badge connected.

Under the new rules, nonsecular members of the force are permissible to grow beards up to half-an-inch long.

Sikh officers have so far worn turbans underneath their caps. Beards haven't been allowable.

New York police commissioner James O'Neill said the modification was to encourage spiritual members of the community to apply "to work in the best NY Police Dept. in the nation".
New York's Sikh police officers
The Sikh Officers Association of the USA thanked mister O'Neill in a tweet, adding that it absolutely was a "proud moment" for the Sikh community.

Mr. O'Neill declared the new rules following a graduation ceremony for new police recruits at Madison SQ. Garden in NY city on Wed.

Sikhs usually cover their heads with turbans and are forbidden from shaving their beards.

In May, a Sikh soldier who was forced to shave off his hair and beard to join the U. S. Army won the proper to wear a black or camouflage turban and grow his facial hair.

Mohammad Hamza

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