4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Selling Your Blog | GreatestFart
4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Selling Your Blog | GreatestFartSelling Your Website

I admit it. I thought of selling Cash With A True Conscience from time to time. When times got tough I wanted to cash in. Toss in all my chips.

A bit of clear thinking and a bigger, brighter vision for the future inspired me to keep on writing and cease the selling talk.

I noted a number of my blogging buddies who want to sell out. Some are experiencing financial problems. Others have lost a passion for blogging.

Whatever the case may be you absolutely, positively need to ask yourself a series of questions before you sell your blog or else you might make a terrible mistake because:

once you sell you are done with your blog
you might be making an impatient decision which kills your blogging future
you might be allowing a few minor circumstances cloud your ultimate vision

Before you sell think through why you are selling. Get real. Be honest with yourself.

My Story
My Story
I have seen ups and downs during my blogging career. Currently, I am scoring about 10,000 visits a day on my blog. In the past, though things were not as rosy. Even now I am learning how to effectively monetize my blog to cash in on my traffic.

In leaner times I wanted to sell out. When my traffic jumped I wanted to sell out quickly. I saw dollar signs instead of potential. I saw fat checks instead of fulfillment.

I saw outcomes instead of focusing on the processes, the absolute joy I have in building my blog.

If/when I do sell my blog I will not budge until I see a healthy offer price. REALLY healthy offer price. I learned, finally, that doing what you love to do and honoring your vision trumps all else in life.

So no selly-sell, at least not for now.

1. Why

Why do you want to sell your blog? Are you disgusted with your financial situation? Do you want to score a few extra hundred or thousand bucks because of some pressing need?

Or have you lost your blogging fire or passion for writing? Ask the question and wait long and hard for the answer to take the next step. In many cases you can find the money through some other source or you might just need a blogging break.

2. Are You Feeling Financial Stress

2. Are You Feeling Financial StressI have suffered through tough financial times. Now I travel the world – living in India – teach people how to prosper through gifting, inspire via my inspirational quotes and live the internet lifestyle.

Things were not always peachy keen though and the financial stress
seas of life inspired me to sell at one point. After thinking through my decision I decided not to let desperation prevent me from growing a massive audience and building my brand.

3. Have You Really Lost Your Blogging Fire or Do You Need a Break?

I never reached this point thank goodness. I love blogging and take breaks when necessary. Some of my buddies though seemed to have lost their passion.

If you find yourself sick of blogging, for 3 or 4 weeks you might need to consider doing something else or even selling your blog.

If however you feel a bit burned out after a few days, or even a week, take a deep breath. Usually, this is a simple, tiny little blip in your blogging career. Break. Come back fresh. Proceed.

4: Are You Trying to Avoid Your Discouragement?

4: Are You Trying to Avoid Your Discouragement?Some bloggers love writing and connecting with others but are fed up. You might be frustrated about making no money with your blog or attracting few readers. I have been there, and I can tell you this is the exact point where you need to trudge forward instead of selling out.

All top bloggers experienced frustrations, setbacks, and many disappointments along the way. These special moments build you up to become a powerful, inspiring blogger. Never sell out when things get frustrating. Double down. Build your network. Write more frequently to improve your skills. Prosper.

Your Turn

Have you ever thought of selling your blog?


Why not?

Mohammad Hamza

Founder of GreatestFart. His passion for blogging engrossed him into this field at the age of 10. He loves to do deep research in that niche to keep him super updated. And, committed to guiding you to take your SEO to the Next Level.

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