Study Hacks For Student:

Everyone hate studying. It simply because you don't like it. People want money but they won't study.. well that's another topic.  But it doesn't mean I like study I also don't study but I think I have some tips that I have used to practiced to get full attention on what I study (sometimes) :P

You might have been asked your's parents or teacher that how I study or how I practice my brain to pay full attention what I am studying. Well, that what they all are said: " Close your phone, close your computer, aside from your all fun accessories.... blah blah "... But that's the things they do in their times when there is no any TV, not mobile, skates, TAB and all other stuff that they think they catch our attention. That Ain't true. But the truth is that you don't do the things that you want to do for study. Well, I am here to solve your all problems.

 Let's roll into it.....

1. Try To Understand, Not To Memorizing:

1. Try To Understand, Not To Memorizing:This is the most important part to keep you getting good marks and grades in School because this method is great for learning long notes in short time. You must have to know what the note is trying to say and then you can write it in your words.

The other way is to make your own notes this will much mark this question containing in a Paper/ Exam and how much it comes during the past 15 help you a lot because there's a big difference in making and learning notes. During the making of notes, you should know the importance of the question
giveon which you make that notes. Like how years.

2. Walk Before Study: (Must)2. Walk Before Study: (Must)

You must take a bit of rest or walk somewhere and forget about all things. This little exercise helps you to fresh and boost your brain memory and your Brain is flooded with extra blood. That's Good For You. It also keeps you focus on which you are doing next.

3. Study In The Morning:

It's better to study in the morning straight after you wake up Better than to Burn The Fucki'n Midnight Eyes. Because the morning is the time when your Brain is not tired at all and things memories easily. It better to study at morning.

4. Make TimeTable:

Those who thinks the timetable is S**T, I know they have been a lot of S**T in their life. Sorry for these words but if you think timetable has no importance in studies then don't do this, timetable has way more importance in studies, we can't deny that because it makes the schedule what to do on which day.... it keeps you on track and it makes memorize you all the syllabus before the final exams. Your timetable should be according to the three subject in a day.

Deactivate Your All Social Signals:

I know it's pretty difficult, but you have to do it because it distracts your attention from studies. (only in EXAMS) Not this but you also give up your phone when the exams are going because it's good for you, not your parents and our's, they talked about u and your future. They wanted to see you as a shining star who gives light in the darkness of night. Stay Positive and Complete their wish.


Mohammad Hamza

Founder of GreatestFart. His passion for blogging engrossed him into this field at the age of 10. He loves to do deep research in that niche to keep him super updated. And, committed to guiding you to take your SEO to the Next Level.

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