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GreatestFart is Blog containing Guides, Tricks, Widgets that related to Website Topic, Social Media, Make Money Online and Games Reviews
5 Simple Steps to Make Your WordPress Account Hack-Proof
WordPress, the free and open source blogging tool and content management system everyone loves, is understandably popular. As of January, it was being used by 19.3 percent of all websites. It’s comparatively easy to use and flexible — and did we mention it’s free? The number of bloggers seems to increase exponentially by the day, and it seems like they’re all on WordPress.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that recent events have revealed that WordPress isn’t the most secure system. This past spring, a massive botnet hack hit tens of thousands of WordPress accounts.

WordPress users can take some steps to avoid becoming victims of this sort of attack. Here are five tips that can make using WordPress more secure.
  • The default username “admin,” is the first thing hackers look for. No less an authority than Matt Mullenweg, WordPress’s founder, has said, “If you still use ‘admin’ as a username on your blog, change it.” You can choose a different username when you set up the account, or you can change it by taking the following steps: Create a unique account name with administrator privileges; log out and log in with your new original account name, and then delete the “admin” account.

  • Strong passwords really help. Of course, you shouldn’t use anything obvious, like your birthday or your dog’s name, and you should use a different password for every account. Those things are given, but for even greater security, take it to the next level. A complex, random mix of letters and numbers may look unguessable, but many password experts suggest that length is more crucial than complexity. Use a password-strength checker if you’re not sure. And don’t answer those password reset questions about your mother’s maiden name or your first car truthfully; instead, come up with a response that’s easy for you to remember but hard for hackers to uncover.

  • There are several security plug-ins you can use with WordPress, and some of them are free. Better WP Security takes the best WordPress security features and techniques and combines them in a single plugin. Limit Login Attempts does exactly what it says it does, which helps deter the sort of brute-force attack that occurred last spring. Google Authenticator gives you two-factor authentication using the Google Authenticator app for smartphones. And Wordfence includes a firewall, anti-virus scanning, cellphone sign-in, malicious URL scanning, and live traffic including crawlers.

  • Speaking of plugins, be sure to keep yours updated, along with themes and software. Keeping these components up-to-date will help keep you on top of bug fixes and improve security; hackers look for out-of-date plugins and themes they can exploit. And if you have unused themes or plugins installed, it’s best to delete them.

  • Know your themes. There are some cool, flashy free themes out there, but be wary. “Free” is a red flag on the web, and those free themes could contain some malicious or unwanted code that will end up making them anything but free. WordPress offers a TAC (Theme Authenticity Checker) that can help sort out the bad stuff. Use it.
WordPress is a useful tool that’s made it possible for almost anyone to create a blog or website and get their message out there. It allows more voices to be heard than ever before. Unfortunately, the downside is that it can leave you vulnerable to hacking.

Hackers and their methods seem to grow more sophisticated with each passing day—but with a little common sense on the user end, you can maximize your chances of keeping them at bay.
GreatestFart is Blog containing Guides, Tricks, Widgets that related to Website Topic, Social Media, Make Money Online and Games Reviews
10 Best WordPress SEO Plugins | GreatestFart
Best WordPress SEO Plugins

WordPress remains the most popular content management system (CMS) and platform for blogging. WordPress is so popular because it’s easy to use, regardless of your technical knowledge, and it’s set up perfectly for SEO. You can boost your SEO efforts even further with these top WordPress SEO plugins.

Why Use WordPress SEO Plugins?

If you’re completely new to SEO and also especially with WordPress then you must have a read on this passage. SEO stands for search engine optimization and every webmaster usually, optimize their webs for search engines in order to get organic search traffic.

If you want to drive high traffic through search engines then you need to optimize your the web for search engines while plugins help us to optimize our blog. SEO can also be done manually but in order to save time and do work properly, WordPress SEO Plugins are important to use.

1. WordPress SEO By Yoast

This is one of the most popular and best WordPress SEO Plugin that is being used by almost every blogger. This comes with both free and premium versions. WordPress SEO by Yoast let you create web pages and blog posts search engine friendly and also optimize them to rank better in SERP. You can call this plugin all rounder because this plugin manages every single thing of SEO.

The most needed features that you’ll get with this plugin are XML sitemaps, page analysis, Meta and Link elements, permalink, breadcrumbs, RSS optimization, Google rich snippets, Social Integration and much more. Other than this, their many free guides with video tutorials are available on the web about the proper usage of this plugin.

2. All in One SEO Pack
2. All in One SEO Pack

Another most popular WordPress SEO plugin that has got more than 20 million downloads is known as “All in One SEO Pack”. Some people refer for WordPress SEO By Yoast and some also refer for All in One SEO Pack. These two plugins are top trending plugins.

As its name proves, This plugin has every feature that any SEO expert will require. Its developers say that this plugin automatically optimizes your WordPress website for search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Currently, It has 2.1.3 most recent updated version which has some features including XML sitemaps, Google Analytics, Advanced canonical URLs, Fine tune page navigational links, Built in API, automatically optimize titles and meta tags and much more.

3. SEOPressor

3. SEOPressor
This is the third best WordPress SEO Plugin that is paid not free but also has some different features from above-mentioned plugins. This plugin is best to do on-page SEO of your WordPress site this plugin looks like a manager which commands you to properly optimize your WordPress site for search engines. It gives real-time recommendation while writing articles about keyword density,

Keyword targeting, meta tags, image optimization, over optimization and also scores the post after the analysis. Try to get the highest score while using this plugin in order to rank better in search engines. It also gives some keyword suggestion that will help you to target highly searched keywords and gain the best traffic.

4. RB Internal Links

Internal linking is the important factor these days as it helps to call crawler to crawl your web more and more times. Internal linking also helps you to target keywords easily and rank better in SERP. RB Internal Links seems good and also popular WordPress SEO plugin that helps you to do internal linking of your WordPress site easily.

Unfortunately, This plugin has not been updated for 2 years but it may still work cool. This plugin doesn’t make use of URLs or Permalinks to do internal linking but it users posts and page IDs to do internal linking that is a great thing actually. If the URL gets changed in a sudden time then it won't effects on internal links because that plugin uses IDs and saves from 404 error pages.

5. Google XML Sitemaps

5. Google XML Sitemaps
Having great XML sitemaps that may fetch new posts and ping Google for an index is important for every site or blog. WordPress plugins lab provides you an exclusive plugin that creates the XML sitemaps of your WordPress site, especially for Google.

If Google is gonna accept such sitemaps that other search engines will probably do it. This plugin has 3.4 most recent version that is absolutely free to download. Google XML sitemaps share hands with you to create easily create XML sitemaps in which posts, pages, categories and tags pages can be included and you’ll have full control to moderate them.

6. SEO Friendly Images

6. SEO Friendly Images
Images are also an important content on our sites as they help us to improve the user interface, beautify blog and also we use them as “Content” purpose. Well, search engines are also always interested in great images that they find while crawling the web pages. You might have seen image search engines and you know from where do they get those images?

Those images are also taken from web pages like our sites that use images. Well, the images in our sites can also be optimized for search engines to rank better in image search. SEO Friendly Images lets you optimize your images with alt and title tags automatically. Actually, It may take image name as alt and title tag.

7. Scribe For WordPress

7. Scribe For WordPressScribe for WordPress is another most powerful WordPress SEO Plugin that comes with premium version only. This plugin gives you some powerful content marketing tools that help you to create ever killer content directly from your WordPress post editor.

This plugin is great for business and as well as for personal small blogs also. The content that is created with the help of this plugin definitely goes viral and helps your to blog to increase Page Rank, Domain Authority, Page Authority and some other important SEO factors.

Means it also makes the content that is suitable for search engines completely. After SEO this plugin is also useful for social promotion purpose as there are also some useful tools that help you to easily drive traffic through social media networking.

8. SEO Rank Reporter

8. SEO Rank ReporterKeeping track of search engine rankings is not much important as sometimes low rank can loose energy to work harder but sometimes high rank also boosts our energy to work even harder.

Well, The thing that I do is just concentrate on creating more and more content only that actually helps to drive every kind of traffic. If you’re interested in having the track of your search engine rankings then this is the powerful plugin for you that will report you the ranking reports.

This plugin displays data in graph and also have some more functionality. It gives you the report of every 3 days. It's free and most recent version is 2.2

9. Simple 301 Redirects

Have to redirect a big list of 404 pages or broken URLs? This plugin made it easy for everyone who doesn’t know how to edit and redirect URLs manually through the .htaccess file. It's too tough to do 301 redirects through .htaccess and also needs to have much knowledge about coding.

But who cares if you’ve simple 301 redirects plugin. You can easily redirect the high number of URLs with 301 type.

10. Googlyzer

Do you use Google Analytics to track visitors analysis? No doubt, Google Analytics is the best tool for counting visitors but do you get fed up of going out again and again from your WordPress dashboard to check reports? Googlyzer made it easy to check Google analytics reports directly from your WordPress dashboard.

This plugin helps you to integrate Google Analytics data and display it on your dashboard. You can install tracking code, check multiple graph reports and also create reporting widgets with this plugin.

What’s Next?

So, SEO Experts! These were some best WordPress SEO Plugins that you can use to rank high in search engines, track things and can do more with SEO. However, There are also more interesting plugins that you can get in plugins store. Hope the WordPress users may have liked this article as it is especially for them this time. Let's make the discussion about these plugins by commenting and also them with your friends. Happy WordPress Optimization!